Thursday, September 11, 2014

What?...So What?...Now What?

Application is truly the key to personal progress, no matter what phase or flavor of life you're in. In an effort to take all my incredible learning up here at college and actually do something with it, I will do a sort of "weekly wrap-up". I'm going to base it off of three simple questions:

-What exactly did I learn?
-So what? Why does it matter?
-Now what? How am I going to start doing it?

So, this week comes from something that I learned in my New Testament class. We are currently studying the beginning of Christ's ministry as related in the Four Gospels. My professor has an interesting teaching method. He starts the class as normal, relating history and such. But then, for the last twenty minutes of class, we have a "focus text", where we put down our notes and really get into what is being said--this portion isn't even part of the testable material, it is just for us.

I realize that Christ wasn't too interested in being complicated. He genuinely just wanted to help people. He made time for the one, and it was always personal and authentic. Even John the Baptist, for all his "vipers" and "perverse generation", simply told the people who came to him that they needed to share and care more. Is that really the great Kingdom of Heaven? Actually, I hope so.

So What?
Isn't it interesting that Jesus Christ, the most glorious and powerful of all our Heavenly Father's children, didn't need any of that? What does that say about me? I think that righteousness and obedience is important, but maybe it is best measured by how kindly we treat others. How can I show love to God, who loved me so much more first? It's important because if any of us want to become more like the Savior, we're going to have to learn how to break those social "don't do that" norms and reach out to those who need saving.

Now What?
I'm making a promise that this weekend, and really from here on out, I will do more. All of us have our places where we "draw the line" on how far we'll go to help someone else out. I hope to consciously cross that line more regularly, and I'd encourage all of you to do the same. Let's push that boundary out and fill the world with goodness!


  1. Hey, I really liked this post! It definitely reminds me of the Savior's teachings to go the extra mile when we are only asked to go one. I sometimes struggle with drawing lines for myself in terms of how much service I am willing to provide, so your resolution to do better is definitely inspiring to me.

  2. This is great as you seek to push the boundaries out and fill the world with goodness. It just as Christ has said that we need to develop charity or we are nothing. Without it, the world would be empty of the beauty that fills our lives. Its the light of charity that penetrates the darkness of selfishness which brings goodness into the world. It is really just as you said, a simple determination and act. Thanks again for the great reminder.

  3. I look forward to hearing about the success of your efforts, it all starts with one person doing good and influencing others to do the same.

  4. I love this insight. I need to be a little bit more selfless in my life. Service is what this gospel is all about. Christ was the most selfless person who ever lived and we need to become more like him. The more we study Christ's life and do the things that he asked us to do, the more we will be selfless and help those less fortunate. I think we all need to spend a little time and look around at those who have less and set aside a time to help those in need. I can really work on this so thank you for that insight.
