Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Power of Routine

So, in college, there's pretty much two main approaches to managing workloads.

The first is basically like chasing the tide on a beach. The waves come crashing up on the shore, the water rushes up, and you run away from it before it catches you. Then, as it recedes, you charge after it, going as far as you can without going underwater. Of course, sometimes you'll get caught off guard and an especially large wave will knock you down. And then you're soaked.

The second is like swimming laps in a lane. Although you are constantly in the water (and therefore pretty wet), your main goal is to keep a pace and rack up the number of laps completed. Sometimes it gets pretty tiring, but let's say you get a break every ten laps or something.

I have always been a lot more like the first one. It's easy to kind of run with the tide of work, homework, studying, and reading. What I mean is, I just do the minimum to keep myself from getting pulled under, but never really learning consistency. I lack a disciplined routine. And too often, I get caught by an unexpected wave of stress or workload and I drown and suffer the consequences. If only I could develop an unshakable routine--maybe more difficult at first--I would actually be more free. Lots of steady, consistent work will enable me to do much more than just surviving by obligation.

So, what am I going to do now? Stop playing in the tide and get in the pool.


  1. Ya I really think those analogies are great. I think they are so true. I think the important part is the "how." Something we so rarely address, in anything. I mean, I can say I'm going to run a marathon, but how am I going to do it? No one's going to believe me unless I give them a how-to plan. A plan of how I am going to do that.

    IF you are struggling with this, read my post! It talks directly about this, basically... haha.

    I mean, if you aren't just ignore it. But thank you for the analogies! They were seriously great and I think they are so true.

  2. That is a great analogy! I know exactly how you feel. I just do the bare minimum and I need to get into a routine so I can do more and accomplish more. We are limiting ourselves when we do the minimum. We are entitled to the Lord's help when we keep his commandments so if we keep them and do everything we can to accomplish all that is possible, we will be able to do so much more in life. Thanks for the great post.

  3. I'm sure that there are so many of us that struggle with this! Many of us are so desperate to find a break in the water and we are doing just the minimum to stay afloat. It's easy to drown and feel overwhelmed. I have been working on this for the last couple of years! While I have made progress, it is definitely something that I must continually work at. Thanks for the reminder to always try to stay ahead of the game!
