Saturday, November 8, 2014

The College Woes

Well, this week was quite abnormally busy. It kind of feels like everything is starting to pressure in a little bit more. And of course, I always seem to have a fantastic checklist ready to go, only to find that it grows, not shrinks. Everything that I plan out carefully is, by the end of the week, pointless. It happened again this week, and sometimes it can be disheartening.

This is sometimes a big burden, because it adds lots of stress. I am the kind of person who can feel great when they start knocking things off the list. So it's a great help to be able to finish things, whether they be academic, social, or spiritual.

So, this week, I am going to try and start working out these checklist items during the week, instead of saving them all for the weekend. I'm going to try and take things one at a time, and hopefully be efficient with my time.


  1. I use a checklist too and i find it helps to prioritize what needs to be done now. That way I can avoid procrastinating it all to the weekend. Good luck with this. I know it can be hard at times, and feels like its never ending, but before we know it, the semester will be over!

  2. I need to make a checklist. I procrastinate everything until the last day and then I have a ton to do and it stresses me out. But if we make checklists or plans, then we can get things done in a efficient manner and to able to get a lot more done every day. Thanks for the great reminder.

  3. I just downloaded the Google Calendar app and it's a perfect daily planner for my phone. When I set goal and make plans I'm amazed at how much I can get done. Keep it up Cody!

  4. I just downloaded the same app! It is a good planner, it even helps that it kind of reminds me of my missionary daily planner. I love checking things off because it helps me feel like I'm doing things instead of always feeling like I am falling behind. It is nice to physically see what you have accomplished.
